Criminality and Immorality in Oliver Twist

Dickens’ Viewpoint in His Preface In the preface to Oliver Twist, Dickens unequivocally rejects the notion that he intended to romanticize or glamorize a life of crime. On the contrary, he strives to portray it as repulsive, abominable, and loathsome. Dickens explicitly states in his preface that he aims to depict the ugliness, filth, and … Read more

Thomas Hardy’s Philosophy of Life or Pessimism in The Mayor of Casterbridge

Hardy not a Philosopher but a Novelist and a Literary Artist:  Hardy is not a philosopher. It is unreasonable to call him a pessimist. He is a novelist. As a literary artist, it is his duty to present realistic picture of human life. He is a keen observer of human life. It has been his … Read more

A Battle between Man and Destiny in The Mayor of Casterbridge

Character and Destiny:  Hardy writes classical tragedies. In classical tragedies we find the conflict between the hero and fate. Destiny dominates the character and the hero falls from prosperity to adversity. All Greek tragedies show the powerful influence of supernatural forces exerted on the destiny of man. Gods direct the happenings of human life. They … Read more

Discuss Pride and Prejudice As A Social Comedy of Manners

Introduction:  Whenever Jane Austen’s characters deviate from the standard code, they become butts of ridicule. The incongruities and inconsistencies of human behaviour are the subject matter of Pride and Prejudice. But Jane Austen’s humour is never cynical. She observes these human absurdities as a pleasant, ridiculous aspect of life which are not seriously harmful. In … Read more

Appropriateness of the Title Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

The Source of the Title:  The whole of this unfortunate business has been the result of Pride and Prejudice: these words from Fanny Burney’s ‘Cecilia’ might have easily been as has been claimed the source of title. Jane Austen has first named the novel ‘First Impressions’— which was also a suggestive title, the implication being … Read more

The Significance of the Lydia – Wickham Episode in Pride and Prejudice

Introduction:  Pride and Prejudice has a well-knit, coherent plot where all events and characters are integrated and exemplify the same theme. The Lydia – Wickham episode is one of the sub – plots of the novel and contributes much to the main plot of the Elizabeth – Darcy courtship and marriage.  The Significance of the … Read more

Pervasive Irony in Jane Austen’s Novel Pride and Prejudice

Irony, the most Important Ingredients of Jane Austen’s Art:  Irony is an essential ingredient of Jane Austen’s craft and her irony is all pervasive. We come across it everywhere in style, story, and characters. The irony in Jane Austen may be of following kinds: Pervasive Irony in Jane Austen’s Novel Pride and Prejudice  (1) Irony … Read more