Shaw’s Views on Love, Marriage, Sex and Family in Candida

Shaw’s New Way of Handling Marriage and Family:  The problems of marriage, love, family and sex relations have greatly influenced and exercised the mind of George Bernard Shaw. Shaw, as a biologist, believes that procreation is the most holy work of all, and as a socialist he thinks that all work should be suitably paid … Read more

Contemporary Social Problems in Candida by G.B. Shaw

Candida, A Problem Play:  If judged by Shaw’s views on the problem plays, Candida is indeed a problem play. Its central theme is a troublesome and much discussed problem the eternal triangle. Candida, Morell, her husband and the young poet Eugene Marchbanks represent this triangle. Always what happened was that either the erring woman was … Read more

Tennyson’s Poem Ulysses | A Critical Analysis

The Poem: Its Publication; Its Source:  Ulysses was first published in 1842, like Break, Break, Break and The Two Voices, soon, after Arthur Hallam’s death, and it expresses the poet’s feeling about the need of going forward and facing life, despite the bereavement he has suffered. Ulysses was the legendary Greek hero, the story of … Read more

Tennyson’s Poem Break, Break, Break—Introduction, Summary, Analysis

Introduction to the Poem:  The poem entitled “Break, Break, Break,” which was first published in the Poems, 1842, is an elegy inspired by the death of Tennyson’s dear friend Arthur Hallam in 1833. It is full of deep despair and grief. It reflects the author’s heart felt sorrow on the death of his friend. The … Read more

Wordsworth As A Didactic Poet

Introduction: Says Wordsworth again and again that he sings but…  “Of truth of grandeur, Beauty, love, and hope. And melancholy fear subdued by faith; Of blessed consolations in distress; Of moral strength and intellectual power; Of joy in widest commonly spread. Of the individual mind that keeps her own Inviolate refinement……”     Wordsworth As A Didactic Poet Certainly, besides being an … Read more

Poem To The Moon by Thomas Hardy —Summary and Critical Appreciation

Introduction of the Poem:  The poem entitled To the Moon is related to the purpose of human life. It has been written in question – answer form. In it, the poet asks certain pertinent questions and the Moon replies them objectively. The poem forcefully articulates the poet’s philosophy of life. The poet is seriously concerned … Read more

Thomas Hardy’s Poem Neutral Tones—Summary and Critical Analysis

Introduction of the Poem:  The poem entitled Neutral Tones is very neutral in tone. Its melancholic note has been created by the poet reflecting on the termination of a relationship. The poem expresses the bitter sweetness of the memory of a love which was the greatest source of joy in the past, but which, later … Read more

T.S. Eliot A Modern Poet

Introduction: T. S. Eliot, an American by birth, became a naturalised British Subject in 1927. His contribution to English poetry has been substantial and solid. Eliot is a difficult poet to understand and his poetry, loaded with the weight of his stupendous learning and subtle allusiveness, baffles an average well informed reader. For him poetry … Read more

Eliot’s Poetic Style

Introduction: Eliot was a great poet. He therefore employed unconventional techniques which are peculiarly his own. Some of the techniques he employed on experimental basis. He dropped those which did not suit and serve his purpose. Eliot emerged on the literary sense of Europe with an extraordinary sensitiveness to modern conditions and equipped with a … Read more

T.S. Eliot’s Use of Symbols in Poetry

Introduction:  Eliot has employed both kinds of symbols traditional and personal. As a matter of fact, Eliot is a giant of personal symbolism. And because of his personal symbols many passages of The Waste Land, Ash Wednesday, and Four Quartets are still obscure. About the cause obscurity in a particular, a critic observes: “Ash Wednesday … Read more