Discuss Hopkins As A Religious-Minded Poet

Introduction:  G. M. Hopkins was a religious minded man. He believed in the presence of God in every object of nature. No doubt he was assailed by spiritual doubts and suffered tortures on this account, but his faith prevailed and triumphed over the doubts. He was an ardent believer in God and in the divinity … Read more

Hawk Roosting | Summary and Critical Appreciation |

Introduction of the Poem:  “Hawk Roosting” is one of the Hughes’ simplest poems. It has been written in the form of monologue. It was first published in Lupercal in 1960. This poem is written in the first person i.e., the hawk is itself narrating something from its own mouth. It is a predatory bird and … Read more

The Journey of the Magi | Summary and Critical Appreciation |

Introduction of the Poem:  The poem entitled The Journey of the Magi belongs to a group of poems known as the Ariel Poems. They were written as contributions to an annual volume of poems published at Christmas time and belong to the period between 1927 and 1929. The journey is based upon the Gospel of … Read more

Ted Hughes’ Poem— The Thought Fox— Summary and Critical Analysis |

Introduction of the Poem:  “The Thought Fox” is a poem about writing a poem and not at all about an animal. This poem was first published in 1957. It is an extract from Hughes Collection of poems entitled The Hawk in the Rain. This collection was judged by Marianne Moore, W. H. Auden and Stephen … Read more

Philip Larkin | Poetry of Departure | Summary and Critical Appreciation |

Introduction of the Poem:  The poem entitled “Poetry of Departures” is an autobiographical poem describing the life of an office worker. The life of a modern office – worker is sober and industrious. In contrast to this life, there are many people in an industrial society, even those who have some sort of security and … Read more

Eliot’s Preludes, Summary and Critical Appreciation

Introduction of the Poem:  “Preludes” was written in 1915. It was first published in Lewis’ Blast in 1915. Later on it was published in the collection “Prufrock” in 1917. The four uneven section of this poem were written at different times during the poet’s study at Harward University and Europe. The first two parts of … Read more

Poem Church Going: Summary and Critical Appreciation

Introduction of the Poem:  The poem “Church Going” appeared in Larkin’s second volume The Less Deceived. The poem was written in 1954. It was a time when attendance in churches had begun to decline. It affirms the poet as an agonistic. This poem talks about importance of institution of religion in human culture. The narrator … Read more

Shaw’s Views on Love, Marriage, Sex and Family in Candida

Shaw’s New Way of Handling Marriage and Family:  The problems of marriage, love, family and sex relations have greatly influenced and exercised the mind of George Bernard Shaw. Shaw, as a biologist, believes that procreation is the most holy work of all, and as a socialist he thinks that all work should be suitably paid … Read more