The Journey of the Magi | Summary and Critical Appreciation |

Introduction of the Poem:  The poem entitled The Journey of the Magi belongs to a group of poems known as the Ariel Poems. They were written as contributions to an annual volume of poems published at Christmas time and belong to the period between 1927 and 1929. The journey is based upon the Gospel of … Read more

Eliot’s Preludes, Summary and Critical Appreciation

Introduction of the Poem:  “Preludes” was written in 1915. It was first published in Lewis’ Blast in 1915. Later on it was published in the collection “Prufrock” in 1917. The four uneven section of this poem were written at different times during the poet’s study at Harward University and Europe. The first two parts of … Read more

T.S. Eliot A Modern Poet

Introduction: T. S. Eliot, an American by birth, became a naturalised British Subject in 1927. His contribution to English poetry has been substantial and solid. Eliot is a difficult poet to understand and his poetry, loaded with the weight of his stupendous learning and subtle allusiveness, baffles an average well informed reader. For him poetry … Read more

Eliot’s Poetic Style

Introduction: Eliot was a great poet. He therefore employed unconventional techniques which are peculiarly his own. Some of the techniques he employed on experimental basis. He dropped those which did not suit and serve his purpose. Eliot emerged on the literary sense of Europe with an extraordinary sensitiveness to modern conditions and equipped with a … Read more

T.S. Eliot’s Use of Symbols in Poetry

Introduction:  Eliot has employed both kinds of symbols traditional and personal. As a matter of fact, Eliot is a giant of personal symbolism. And because of his personal symbols many passages of The Waste Land, Ash Wednesday, and Four Quartets are still obscure. About the cause obscurity in a particular, a critic observes: “Ash Wednesday … Read more

Play The Family Reunion As the Play of Detection, Crime and Punishment

Duality of Action in the Play:  According to Eliot, a poetic play is more expressive than a prose play, because its action moves on two levels, the ordinary physical or material level and the spiritual level corresponding to the two levels of human existence. A poetic play has a doubleness of action which the prose … Read more

Eliot’s Technique of Characterization in The Family Reunion

Eliot’s Characters Drawn from the Aristocratic or the Upper Middle Class:  Eliot could achieve remarkable success in language and versification; his characters are usually stock characters, flat and unchanging. They are not individualised. They have all a sort of family likeness. They are all drawn from the same social state. They belong either to aristocratic … Read more